Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Greek Natural Gas Operator Suffers Data Breach

Another critical infrastructure, another cyber attack. This time Greece.

Greece's largest natural gas distributor is attacked on August 20th, 2022.

It was a limited attack but some files and data was allegedly possibly leaked. And the company rejected to pay any ransom payment. (Brave behaviour.)

Yes. It was Greece this time but it can be another EU country next time. Winter is coming. So more attention is needed.

Critical infrastructures are really critical.


"Greece's largest natural gas distributor DESFA confirmed on Saturday that they suffered a limited scope data breach and IT system outage following a cyberattack.

In a public statement shared with local news outlets on Saturday, DESFA explained that hackers attempted to infiltrate its network but were thwarted by the quick response of its IT team.

However, some files and data were accessed and possibly 'leaked,' so there was a network intrusion, even if limited."

"Finally, DESFA declares an unwavering stance against communicating with cyber criminals, so there will be no negotiation of a ransom payment."

"The confirmation of the attack comes after data was leaked on Friday by the Ragnar Locker ransomware operation, a threat actor that began operations over two years ago and has had numerous high-profile attacks in 2021.

Ragnar Locker remains active in 2022, even if its volumes have dropped compared to the past. A recent FBI report linked Ragnar Locker to 52 network intrusions in critical U.S. infrastructure entities as of January 2022."

"This attack comes at a tough time for gas suppliers in Europe, as all countries in the continent decided to abruptly cut their dependence on Russian natural gas, which inevitably created problems."

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