Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Norway Recommends Replacing SSL VPN to Prevent Breaches

 A nice cybersecurity step from Norwegian National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

The Norwegian National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends replacing SSLVPN/WebVPN solutions with alternatives due to the repeated exploitation of related vulnerabilities in edge network devices to breach corporate networks.

NCSC's official recommendation for users of Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL VPN/WebVPN) products is to switch to Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) with Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2).

IKEv1 has some vulnerabilities for some product families i.e. "IKEv1 Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Multiple Cisco Products (CVE-2016-6415)" (CVSS 3.0 score is 7.5)


"The Norwegian National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends replacing SSLVPN/WebVPN solutions with alternatives due to the repeated exploitation of related vulnerabilities in edge network devices to breach corporate networks."

"While the cybersecurity organization admits IPsec with IKEv2 isn't free of flaws, it believes switching to it would significantly reduce the attack surface for secure remote access incidents due to having reduced tolerance for configuration errors compared to SSLVPN."

"Unlike IPsec, which is an open standard that most companies follow, SSLVPN does not have a standard, causing network device manufacturers to create their own implementation of the protocol."

"As an example, Fortinet revealed in February that the Chinese Volt Typhoon hacking group exploited two FortiOS SSL VPN flaws to breach organizations, including a Dutch military network."

"In 2023, the Akira and LockBit ransomware operations exploited an SSL VPN zero-day in Cisco ASA routers to breach corporate networks, steal data, and encrypt devices.

Earlier that year a Fortigate SSL VPN vulnerability was exploited as a zero-day against government, manufacturing, and critical infrastructure."

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