Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cobalt Strike Crackdown of Europol

International joint operations are strongly needed against the bad guys.

Europol announced that a week-long operation at the end of June dropped nearly 600 IP addresses that supported illegal copies of Cobalt Strike.

Cobalt Strike is a commercial penetration testing tool for red team operations, featuring a command and control framework, the Beacon payload for post-exploitation, and supports attack vectors like spear-phishing. It emulates advanced threats to test and enhance cybersecurity defenses.

"Europol said the disruptive action, dubbed Operation Morpheus, is the culmination of work that began three years ago. It was carried out with partners in the private sector between June 24 and 28."

"A total of 690 IP addresses were flagged to online service providers in 27 countries. By the end of the week, 593 of these addresses had been taken down."

"This investigation was led by the UK National Crime Agency and involved law enforcement authorities from Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and the United States. Europol coordinated the international activity and liaised with the private partners."

"Cobalt Strike has long been the tool of choice for cybercriminals, including as a precursor to ransomware. It is also deployed by nation-state actors, such as Russian and Chinese [groups], to facilitate intrusions in cyber espionage campaigns."

"According to its telemetry, China hosts 43.85 percent of Cobalt Strike resources. To put that in context, the next biggest distributor is the US with a 19.08 percent share."

"Since Fortra bought Cobalt Strike in 2020, it has made strides in ensuring criminals don't get access to legitimate versions of its tools. For example, it soon started vetting all applicants vigorously before giving licenses out, but cracked versions in hard-to-reach places like China may prove difficult to eradicate for good."

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